My Top 5 Tips if you’re finding Christmas just too much this year
For many women, Christmas can be stressful at the best of times – food preparation, family politics, gift buying (not to mention the wrapping), financial pressure, balancing getting this ready and other commitments too, etc.
2020 is a Weird One (no s**t, right?)
And this year, during COVID 19 it’s quite frankly even tougher for many. It might be that you have recently lost a dear one, are unable to meet up with family or friends, or just simply not be in the mood for celebrating Christmas this year. No matter how you’re feeling, it’s okay to not feel ‘up’ for Christmas or celebrating this year. But it is important that you look after YOURSELF sweetheart and take the time that you need this Christmas for you.
Here are my best tips to get through this week with the most joy and peace my darling girls:
- Do YOUR Christmas. Eat the food you want (hey, if you don’t like turkey, then don’t buy one. Have roast beef instead if that’s your ‘thing’). Or, if you don’t feel like a big meal at all, why not have a special breakfast instead?
- Allow yourself to feel disappointed. You have the right to your emotions – all of them! If you feel upset by the change of plans, then that’s ok. Feel what you feel, but don’t let them consume you. Think of yourself as a temporary visitor rather than a resident of sadness. Wallowing too long and hard is like a bath – if it’s still warm and you just get in then it does it’s job and is enjoyable. Stay too long and the water gets cold, murky, and doesn’t help you anymore.
- Make peace with the change of plans. I know it’s so hard if you were planning a visit with family and loved ones this year but it’s a good chance to embrace the new. It can be hard to let go of old rituals and routines but this year you may have to find ways to have a joyful day despite Covid. Try to do things differently this year so you won’t get triggered by memories that could upset you. Press the metaphoric “Plot Twist” button on Christmas this year and make a conscious decision to make new memories.
- Buy thoughtful gifts for people and don’t worry about the amount – think quality over quantity – it’s not the year to go all out. It genuinely doesn’t matter and it’s a year of not necessarily getting everything you want, but appreciating everything you have.
- Don’t forget that your motion creates your emotions… Go for a walk– going for a nice, frosty walk could be a great idea for Christmas day if you can. It could give you a chance to reflect and take in nature, whilst also meeting some fellow walkers along the way for a socially distanced chat (tiers allowing).
Is it time to make a change?
If you feel like you it’s time to change your life for the better in 2021, I would love you to join me for my FREE Frazzled to Fabulous Challenge which starts on January 11th. Reserve your space by clicking HERE.