It all started with a sentence...
"No one is making you eat cake"...

That was it. That was my rock bottom. My line in the sand. No one was ever going to be allowed to talk to me like that ever again and I was never going to feel that small. 

The Primer

Teetotal, extroverted-introverted, perfume-wearing, proud mama, geeky, scuba-diving, horse-loving, crazy cat lady.

I can't sugarcoat my past. It's been a lot. A lot a lot. But I'm so very grateful for the experiences and lessons I've learned because of them. I'm the coach, mother, partner, and resilient entrepreneur that I am built on those foundations and I wouldn't turn back the clock or have a do-over.

What I'm 


Everything natural, organic and authentic. Stripped back to the roots, freshly grown, and cooked from scratch. I love rituals and themes to keep my squirrel brain on track but not the mundane or striving to be 'normal' or to fit in.

What I'm 


Balance. I love what I do and would do it 24/7 but I'm all about purposeful, and scheduled, fun & rest. Good health takes intentional work in your 50s and beyond. Doable and enjoyable, but not as a passive recipient anymore.

What I'm 

not about

Women who bring other women down. Just don't.
I'm also not about perfectionism; it's a massive source of anxiety, and it doesn't even exist. Be messy and find happiness in your own brand of weird. Own it and love it (and yourself).

what I


There is room enough for everyone. You can start again at any age and yell "plot twist!" and do something completely different. Don't wait for a Monday morning, or a new year, or all your ducks to be a row. They won't ever be. Start now. Start on a random Tuesday afternoon. But start.

my girls. My why.

self care


country living

Swim              SEA
DRINK        WILD AIR.   

in the




My partner & rock

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Click on the link below and, as my gift to you, gain access to my entire
vision board workshop as a gift. Enjoy my darling.

follow @KateGrosvenorLifeCoach

If you're all about navigating this beautiful life with clarity, finding inspiration and motivation for your journey, and diving into empowering coaching insights? You’re exactly where you need to be.

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