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Month: September 2023

Understanding Perimenopause: A Friendly Guide

As women, our bodies go through numerous transitions throughout our lifetime. One such significant phase, often shrouded in mystery, is perimenopause. We need to demystify this stage of life, delving into what it is, whom it affects, and the symptoms associated with it.

1. What is Perimenopause?

Perimenopause refers to the transitional period leading up to menopause, the point when a woman’s menstrual periods stop permanently. This transition is marked by a gradual decline in the production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Unlike menopause, which is a distinct point in time, perimenopause can span several years. It’s akin to a bridge connecting our reproductive years to a new chapter of life.

2. Who does Perimenopause Affect?

While every woman’s experience is unique, most begin to encounter perimenopause in their 40s. However, it’s worth noting that some women can start this phase as early as their mid-30s. Genetics play a significant role; if your mother or grandmother began perimenopause at a particular age, you might find a similar timeline in your journey. But remember, every woman’s body is unique, and there’s no fixed schedule.

3. Symptoms of Perimenopause

The manifestations of perimenopause can vary widely, but there are some common symptoms many women report:

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Your periods might become unpredictable—longer, shorter, heavier, or lighter.
  • Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: These sudden sensations of heat can come without warning and can be accompanied by sweating, especially during the night.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep is not uncommon.
  • Mood Changes: Fluctuations in hormones can influence mood, potentially leading to feelings of irritability, sadness, or anxiety.
  • Vaginal Dryness: Lower estrogen can cause vaginal tissues to lose lubrication and elasticity.
  • Other Symptoms: I have a free perimenopause symptom checklist and tracker with over 100 symptoms (not to scare you, of course, but to give you a comprehensive list). You can download it here:

It’s essential to remember that not every woman will experience all these symptoms, and their intensity can vary from person to person.

4. Embracing the Transition

Perimenopause is a natural progression in a woman’s life. While its symptoms might sometimes feel challenging, understanding them can arm us with the tools to manage and even embrace this phase. Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider and discussions about your experiences can help tailor a journey that’s most comfortable for you. Remember, there’s strength in seeking knowledge and sharing our stories.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of understanding and embracing the changes our bodies undergo. If you would like to join my FREE perimenopause support group, you can do that here:

In the group upcoming emails we dive deeper into various aspects of women’s health and well-being. We’re in this together.
Buckets full of love, Kate x

Unlocking Success: Daily Rituals of Accomplished Women

As women, especially as we mature and gather wisdom, we understand that success doesn’t come merely from innate talent or luck. More often than not, it’s the small, consistent actions we take every day that pave our way. Today, let’s delve into some daily rituals that many successful women swear by. Whether you’re looking to fine-tune your routine or seeking new habits to cultivate, this list aims to inspire and invigorate your daily life.

1. The Magic of Morning Routines

  • The Early Bird Advantage: Many accomplished women treasure the serenity of the early hours. Waking up before the hustle and bustle grants them the privilege of a peaceful start, ideal for planning or reflection.
  • Get Moving: From yoga stretches to brisk morning walks, physical activity isn’t just about fitness. It’s a mood booster, energy enhancer, and a wonderful stress-reliever.
  • A Nourishing Start: Breakfast isn’t just about fuel; it’s an opportunity. Enjoying a mindful meal can set a positive tone, and perhaps even offer a moment for reading or thoughtful reflection.

2. Cultivating Mental Well-being

  • Moments of Stillness: Regular meditation or mindfulness sessions are not luxury; they’re essential. They ground us, refresh our minds, and cultivate a positive outlook.
  • The Power of Pen: Journaling can be therapeutic. It’s a space for our thoughts, aspirations, and daily reflections.
  • Never Stop Learning: Success often walks hand-in-hand with growth. Whether through a podcast episode or a chapter of a gripping non-fiction, embracing continuous learning keeps us ever-evolving.

3. Mastering Time

  • Organized and Ready: Simple task lists can be game-changers. They offer clarity and ensure that the day’s priorities shine bright.
  • Embrace Time Blocking: Assigning specific slots for varied tasks can be instrumental in ensuring the day unfolds seamlessly.

4. Building and Nurturing Connections

  • The Gift of Communication: A quick message or call to someone you value can do wonders for relationships. It’s the small gestures that often mean the most.
  • The Circle of Guidance: Mentorship is a two-way street. Successful women often speak of the immense value in both guiding and being guided.

5. Evening Elixirs

  • Disconnect to Reconnect: Prioritizing a digital-free hour before bed can lead to restorative sleep and mental tranquility.
  • Reading Ritual: Getting lost in a book is a delightful way to transition from a busy day to peaceful slumber.
  • Nightly Nourishments: Simple rituals, be it skincare or a warm cup of tea, signal relaxation, preparing the body and mind for rest.

6. Prioritising Self-Care

  • Pause and Breathe: Regular short breaks are invaluable. They offer a chance to rejuvenate, both mentally and physically.
  • Embrace Passion: Indulging in hobbies isn’t just recreational; it’s soulful. It’s a reminder of the joys beyond work and routine.

In closing, remember that success isn’t always about grand achievements or monumental leaps. It’s about the small, intentional steps we take daily. Here’s to crafting routines that resonate, empower, and inspire. To the journey ahead and to the magic in every day! 🌟


If you would like my help to cultivate daily habits that help you become the woman you most want to be, book a free discovery call and I can talk through the different coaching options to suit.



Photo by Marina Piano on Unsplash