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Month: August 2023

Tuning Into the Power of Music: Mood Magic Through Melodies

Have you ever noticed how a specific song can trigger a flood of emotions or vivid memories? It could be the joyous memory of a summer holiday, the empowering feeling of a past victory, or the calming peace of a quiet moment alone. This isn’t a coincidence; it’s actually a scientific phenomenon. Music has the incredible capability to shift our moods, trigger emotional responses, and even transform our overall outlook on life.

The Science Behind the Music

Firstly, let’s delve into the science that makes this possible. Music impacts the brain in fascinating ways, releasing a cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters that have potent effects on our moods. Listening to our favourite tunes can stimulate the production of dopamine, the feel-good hormone that lights up our pleasure centres.

Fast and upbeat music increases heart rate and promotes alertness, which can be invigorating and empowering. On the other hand, slow-tempo music can lead to a decrease in heart rate, causing us to feel more relaxed and even aiding in stress relief. Neuroscientists refer to this as ‘entrainment,’ a process where our bodily rhythms like heartbeat and brain waves synchronise with the music we’re listening to.

Crafting Your Mood-Boosting Playlist

Now that we understand how music changes our mood, it’s time to put that knowledge into action. By mindfully selecting and curating our playlists, we can deliberately tap into the power of music to enhance our moods.

Creating an uplifting playlist can serve as a fantastic motivational tool. Include songs that fill you with a sense of energy and joy. It might be the anthem that takes you back to your first concert or the catchy pop song that never fails to get you singing along. This playlist can be your pick-me-up on a dreary Monday morning or your pre-workout energy boost.

Calming Melodies for Stressful Moments

Life, as we know, is filled with both peaks and troughs. In those challenging times, a calming playlist can be your sanctuary. Look for music with slower tempos, low-pitched harmonies, and minimal lyrics. This could be anything from soothing classical music to tranquil sounds of nature. These calming melodies can be particularly beneficial when you’re winding down after a long day, practicing mindfulness, or struggling to fall asleep.

The Power of Empowering Tunes

Every woman deserves a soundtrack that makes her feel like she can conquer the world. An empowering playlist should include songs that instil confidence and inspire resilience. It could be the ballad that reminds you of your inner strength, the feminist anthem that fuels your sense of independence, or the nostalgic tune from a time you overcame a significant challenge. This playlist is your companion when you’re preparing for a big meeting, dealing with life’s obstacles, or simply reminding yourself of your worth.

The Final Note

So, there you have it, lovely ladies! Harness the power of music and create your personalised soundtracks for different moods and moments. Allow the music to transport you, uplift you, calm you and empower you. As the renowned author Hans Christian Andersen once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” In life’s silent moments, your playlists will fill in the blanks, creating a soundscape that mirrors your journey, resonates with your emotions, and empowers your spirit. So, what’s going in your playlists?

Music is an incredible resource we can turn to for solace, strength, and celebration. In the rhythm of life, let’s not forget the rhythm of our hearts, synced beautifully with our chosen tunes. Now, hit ‘play’ and let the magic of music transform your mood!

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Photo by Courtney Kammers on Unsplash

10 Brew-tiful Teas to Triumph over Perimenopause

Hey there, my lovelies. Let’s get cosy and spill the tea about things that can help you in perimenopause. For many of us we may choose the HRT route – but they might not be everyone’s favourite brew, so to speak. And for some women, HRT is not even an option. So, if you’re on the lookout for something more natural say hello to the world of teas!

When those troublesome hormones – estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone – decide to take a peri

Black cohosh root

This one’s a bit of a star for menopause relief, especially for you early birds. It helps sort out vaginal dryness and hot flashes, can be used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and works great as a tea. Not for pregnant ladies or those dealing with blood pressure or liver troubles, though.

Pros: This little root could be a lifesaver for menopause symptoms.

Cons: Some of you might experience upset tummies, rashes, or even muscle pain, among others.



This little root packs a punch when it comes to helping with menopause symptoms. Ginseng’s shown positive signs for a range of symptoms, including hot flashes and night sweats. And hey, it might even give your love life a little boost!

Pros: Could be a libido lifter and help with various menopause symptoms.

Cons: Be careful mixing this one with other meds – could cause headaches, jitters, or make you feel on edge.


Chasteberry tree

This plant’s great for premenstrual symptoms and can boost progesterone to keep hormones balanced during the menopause journey. Not ideal if you’re on birth control, HRT, or if you’ve dealt with hormone-sensitive diseases.

Pros: Might help with hot flashes and breast discomfort.

Cons: If you’re taking antipsychotics or Parkinson’s meds, avoid this one.


Red raspberry leaf

Now, this tea hasn’t been directly linked to easing common menopause symptoms, but it can help lighten those heavy flows that show up in early menopause.

Pros: Packed with vitamins and minerals, it’s a great addition to your routine. Cons: Might have you running to the loo more often, if you catch my drift.


Red clover

Mainly used for hot flashes and night sweats, red clover also has potential for improving bone strength and boosting your immunity.

Pros: Might help with anxiety, depression, and vaginal dryness. Cons: Rare side effects include spotting, longer periods, and skin irritation, among others.

Dong quai

This one helps to balance estrogen levels, which can reduce or improve symptoms based on your individual hormonal levels.

Pros: Might help to regulate your periods, although there’s limited evidence.

Cons: If you’re allergic to plants in the carrot family, stay away from this one.


Valerian root

This one is a bit of an all-rounder, helping with insomnia, anxiety, headaches, and even reducing hot flashes. It can also improve bone strength and help with joint pain.

Pros: May improve PMS symptoms.

Cons: There have been rare reports of liver injury associated with its use.


Licorice tea

Licorice tea might help reduce hot flashes and improve respiratory health.

Pros: May have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects.

Cons: Overuse and large doses could lead to glycyrrhizin build-up in your body.


Green tea

Green tea is a wonder brew, good for strengthening bone metabolism and fighting the menopause-associated weight gain. Plus, it’s a great source of antioxidants.

Pros: Full of healthy polyphenols and can fight inflammation.

Cons: Too much caffeine can increase anxiety, mess with sleep, and upset your stomach.



Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba contains phytoestrogens and can help boost estrogen levels naturally. It can also help improve PMS symptoms and mood fluctuations.

Pros: May increase blood flow and help neurotransmitters in the brain.

Cons: Can cause allergic reactions in some, especially those allergic to urushiol.

So, there you have it, ladies. Ten teas to help you tackle the trials and tribulations of menopause. Brew up, and take control of those hormones!


If you would like to join me free perimenopause support group on Facebook you can add yourself here:

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash