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Month: January 2019

Calm Vs HeadSpace Guided Meditation Apps

Guided meditation apps I find very useful to help me stay on track with my meditation, but they are also really great for beginners to get into this beautiful, self-soothing, habit.


Headspace is one of the most popular meditation apps. It’s been downloaded and installed by millions of meditators.

For me, Headspace is one of the best ways to develop a habit of meditating. It encourages you and keeps you on track to meditate every day in order to develop a habit. It’s a no-nonsense, simple, habit-building, easy-to-use app that you can download so easily to your phone.

The voice of Headspace has a soothing Australian accent.

Click HERE to go to the app info.


Calm is also one of my faves.

When you download and install the free version of Calm you will gain access to a number of guided meditations, and you can unlock more guided meditations by signing up to a monthly subscription.

The thing I like the very most about Calm is that it looks gorgeous. Really. The design is just beautiful.

And as a last note the voice of Calm has an American accent.

Click HERE to go to the app info.

A last note: Easing stress through meditation may help turn down  mood swings,  anxiety or irritability and well as many other amazing benefits. To read my blog on perminopause, it’s symptoms and how you can help yourself, click HERE

The Perimenopause – Something Else to Just “Get on With”?

The problem with perimenopause.

When it comes to being a woman, there are lots of things that we just don’t talk about, or perhaps we do, but only behind closed doors. Periods, body hair removal, stress incontinence, the list goes on and on.

Another “do not discuss” topic of late seems to be the perimenopause. When I’ve discussed this with the older generation, I’ve been told to just that they “just got on with it”, that it “wasn’t a thing” in their day. Discuss it with a man, and you’re likely to get eye-rolling, sniggers, or a dismissive hand gesture. The feeling being that it’s not the menopause and almost like it’s something that’s being made up.

So, what is the perimenopause and what kind of problems can it cause for those women who suffer with it, usually in silence?

What is the perimenopause?

Separate to the menopause, the perimenopause can also be known as the menopause transition. It can last anywhere from 4 to 8 years and takes place before the menopause itself takes a hold, usually in the mid 40s, but sometimes as early as the late 30s and early 40s.

During the perimenopause, the ovaries start to prepare the bodies oestrogen and progesterone levels which, when completely balanced, will cause the periods to stop and the menopause to start.

For some women the perimenopause passes through with very little problems, however, for other women, it can be problematic.

Are you going through it, or about to?

So, how do you know that the time has come for you to go through the perimenopause? There are a real wealth of signs and symptoms that you are going through the perimenopause. For some, they are mild and easy to cope with, for others these symptoms can cause a huge change not only to them as a person, but their life too.

Unfortunately, it seems that like so many things in life, those women who are struggling with the perimenopause are told to “get on with it” and accept that this is just the way that things are. However, if you take the time to learn more about the signs and symptoms of the perimenopause then you can see just how problematic it can be.

What are the physical changes?

Some of the changes that come with the perimenopause are physical and therefore relatively easy to understand. This includes changes to your period, night sweats, hot flushes and vaginal dryness. Other changes that occur are more to do with your mental wellbeing and can be a little harder to understand. Not only yourself, but also for other people in your life too.

But that’s not the real problem

Mood changes has to be the biggest one, it is normal for women in the perimenopause to feel irritable and that people are getting on their nerves more. However, it can go several steps further than this. Some women say that during the perimenopause they suffered with anxiety and depression, which had not been a problem beforehand.

This sudden shift in mood and mental wellbeing can cause huge repercussions to the life of the woman. Not only can their relationship feel the strain, but they it can also impact on their wider relationships as well as relationships in the workplace. These women may find that they struggle with depression and some even develop addictions in order to cope with these thoughts, such as with alcohol, drugs or perhaps gambling too.

There is also a greater chance of weight gain during the perimenopause, which can further worsen those feelings of depression and anxiety in a woman.

What can you do to help yourself?

As you can see, the perimenopause, for some, can be a difficult time. If you are concerned that you are struggling, then don’t be afraid to speak out. Book an appointment with your doctor, or perhaps speak to similar aged friends, we are sure that you are not alone in how you feel.

Yoga has become a popular practice for women that are impacted by insomnia, mood swings, and hot flashes as a result of menopause. Studies suggest that yoga may help you to sleep better and result in a more stable mood during perimenopause. Learning yoga in a class setting or practicing at home using internet tutorials may also improve mindfulness and restore a peaceful feeling to your everyday life.

Easing stress through meditation may help turn down the heat of hot flashes and also mood also mood swings and anxiety or irritability. A small new study shows that women who participated in a stress reduction program that included meditation experienced significant relief from symptoms and improved their quality of life. CLICK HERE to read about my favourite guided mediation apps that you can use at home.

Plus, we all know, with a strong network of women around you, then anything is possible.

If you would like to hang out with the most gorgeous, beautiful, powerful, caring, mature women for a few hours and take time off from the rest of the world, then you NEED to come to one of our Sassy Ever After Live Events. The free bubbles and Sassy Gift bags are a bonus, but the inspiration and motivation is the best. Click HERE or on the link below to see when and where the next Sassy Event Live events are – would love to see you there! Kate xx

For more tips, advice and live videos, connect with me in my Facebook group by adding this link into your browser:

Learning to Love & Trust Again After Divorce or Break Up

How to learn to trust someone again after divorce or break up is something I get asked quite a lot by my clients. It’s something that I know is hard, it’s a leap of faith, an extension of disbelief, a willingness to allow yourself to be vulnerable and be open to potential hurt again that is so very difficult. Trust is fragile. As the saying goes, trust is hard to build and easy to break—so handle it with care.

What is Trust?

What is trust essentially? When you trust someone, it means that you think they are reliable, you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally. It goes beyond just trusting them to be faithful and not cheat. It’s more that trust is something that two people in a relationship can build together. You can’t demand or prove trust, that’s just not how it works. Its a choice that you make, and they make. Or not.

Why is it so Hard?

We’re all carrying our pasts around with us in some way. Let’s face it, if you’re a woman in your 40s and beyond the chances are you’ve had your heart broken or been through some bad experiences; or both. When that happens, we just want to protect ourselves and not open ourselves up to anyone new again. We would rather do anything than go through that level of pain again. I mean, if you’ve been let down before, you’d be an idiot to do it again, right? Sorry sweetheart, but wrong.

So Why Trust?

What’s the secret? Honestly, what I know for sure, is that the ONLY way you will be happy in a new relationship is to trust. Let’s look at the alternatives.

If you don’t trust someone, you will convey that to them that they really have nothing to lose by not being trustworthy. If they are constantly being accused of being dishonest, unfaithful, etc. eventually the chances are they will prove you right.

You will also never really be truly intimate…have those moments where your eyes connect and you learn them, enjoy them. You will sacrifice that magic that comes from letting your guard down, being your true self, and allowing someone to see you for all your beauty, grit and grace.

Love will elude you, be something out of reach. Trust is essential for love to flourish, it’s the very foundation. To really love someone, you need two things – the chemistry needs to be there, and you need to believe in them as a sound and decent human; you need to trust their integrity and morals and value them.

You won’t be part of a team, part of a pair. You could be in a relationship that makes you feel alone which is a very lonely place indeed.

How Do You Learn To Trust Again?

The beginning months of a relationship often feel like one big guessing game. You’re trying  to understand what the other person is thinking and feeling, and they are doing the same back. This is also the most important time to start building up trust. Transparency can go a long way in providing comfort and clarity.

If you’re open and honest, it’s so much easier for the other person to be the same and for you to start trusting each other. Share. Talk. Laugh. Let go a little…then do it again. And again.

And essentially extend your belief and trust them. It’s the only way to do it. I know it’s scary, and I know you might feel scared of being hurt again. But it’s the only way. If they’re a good person, it’ll be so worth it and the relationship stands a real chance. If you try to control their behaviour or actions in any way, you will never truly know their intentions. Rather, if you trust them and let them be themselves, you will see what they really think of you through their actions.

One Last Word

One last word that’s worth remembering. If you partner doesn’t trust you, it’s more about them than it is about you. It’s not a reflection of your integrity or character and more to do with their past hurts, baggage and perception.

We all have a preferred way that we love and receive love, and all you can do is not to let their doubt erode your sense of self. Carry on expressing your love and commitment and if they can learn to receive it as you intend it then you can shape their understanding. They are much more likely to feel valued.

If not, then they are simply not ready to trust and love again. You can’t make that decision for someone. But instead celebrate that you are ready. That’s wonderful and you will find that again, and you’ll know when you have.

If you would like to hang out with the most gorgeous, beautiful, powerful, caring, mature women for a few hours and take time off from the rest of the world, then you NEED to come to one of our Sassy Ever After Live Events. The free bubbles and Sassy Gift bags are a bonus, but the inspiration and motivation is the best. Click HERE or on the link below to see when and where the next Sassy Event Live events are – would love to see you there! Kate xx

Or Click HERE to pop to my YouTube Channel for some Sassy Videos


Listen More To Your Intuition…It’s Trying To Tell You Something

The weird, squidgy urge. A stab in your tummy. A funny tingle. That little voice in your head. This is your intuition, this is your gut talking to you… Listen more to your intuition, it’s trying to tell you something.

What I know for sure is that my body has a way of telling me when something is up, not with my body itself, but my intuition tells me to realign, to make an adjustment, a kind of warning signal that something isn’t right.

You see there are 3 ways of making decisions or choices in life.

The first one is your head. Rational & sensible decisions based on facts and figures. We sometimes do that but only when presented to us and our emotions aren’t involved.

The second one is we ask our tribe – our friends, our sisters, our mum. They love us and they will tell us what they think is right.

But the last one is our gut, our intuition. That feeling that something isn’t as it should be, a warning ⚠️ system that we’re making a boo boo.

How many times have you looked back and thought “I knew it wasn’t right”? So why don’t we listen, why don’t we trust it more?

It doesn’t lead us wrong… it’s our inbuilt alarm, our lighthouse, our guidance, our maps.

So here are my top 5 reasons to listen to your intuition more:

1. Better Safe Than Sorry

If you’re experiencing an ”off”  feeling about someone or something, the safest route would be to at least acknowledge it. Maybe you’ll decide to go against it anyway, but try not to brush it off without considering why you’re getting that feeling in the first place

2. Maybe It’s Telling You Something You Already Know

For example, you kind of already know you don’t want the job you just interviewed for, but it doesn’t seem right to turn it down. Your intuition will just give you a little push in the direction you should be going anyway— back to job searching.

3. The More You Listen the Stronger It Will Get

Like a muscle, your intuition will become more and more reliable the more use it. You’ll come to understand yourself better and figure out what your feelings mean in a variety of different situations.

4. You May Notice The Same Opportunities Keep Knocking On Your Door

Try to recognise that your intuition is trying to talk to you when same opportunity keeps knocking on my door again and again. When your intuition tries to communicate with you, it may try to get your attention by forcing you to notice little patterns throughout your life. Been wanting to start your own business, but afraid to take the leap of faith? Your intuition may subtly let you notice certain articles or offices to rent to help get your attention.

5. You May Notice Your Thoughts Are Being Pulled In A Certain Direction

Your intuition is usually always there to guide you in the right direction, but sometimes you miss the signs or choose to ignore them. However, if you continue to notice that your brain wanders back to a particular thought, then you might want to slow down and investigate why you’re feeling this way. Pay particular attention to when you feel pulled by something that seems a tad weird or surprising.

What Does an Instinct Feel Like?

Positive and affirming instincts are often accompanied by:

  • A sense of calm in your chest
  • A sense of warmth
  • Ability to breathe more easily
  • Sharp clarity of hearing or vision
  • A wave of goose bumps, tingles or “fluttery” sensations
  • Relaxation in the gut and shoulders

Negative or warning instincts are often accompanied by:

  • Feeling suddenly cold or chilly
  • Pain in your tummy or chest
  • Nausea
  • A sense of being on “high alert”
  • Tiredness or feeling low-energy
  • Headaches

If you would like to hang out with the most gorgeous, beautiful, powerful, caring, mature women for a few hours and take time off from the rest of the world, then you NEED to come to one of our Sassy Ever After Live Events. The free bubbles and Sassy Gift bags are a bonus, but the inspiration and motivation is the best. Click HERE or on the link below to see when and where the next Sassy Event Live events are – would love to see you there! Kate xx